Bundled Up at the New Years Gathering (still with a cold.) |
Most people will never meet a being like Gurudev in their lifetime. The grace for this opportunity is without words. With the start of 2012, picking one of many remarkable attributes of Gurudev to emulate is his heartfelt thoughtfulness. The first time I heard him utter a word, it was as if the word had a three dimensional quality to it--as if it was a living being unto itself. Now I understand that the truth and refined nature of his spirit is the ethereal nature of all, so when he speaks, it penetrates every nook and cranny of one's being. He can say one word and reach a depth in your heart that you never new existed. Even after 6 months, I am amazed at the flood of tears that can arise from his unrelenting kindness. A few days ago he was not well with some sort of virus or cold, but he still made the point to ask if I was warm enough and did I need another blanket. Today, there was a big gathering at the new ashram with 300 plus people, but when he saw me he wanted to make sure I got the sack of fruit that he had arranged for me, so that I had something to eat since I don't usually eat the native food. Just reflecting on the thoughtfulness makes me teary eyed.
I asked someone if this is how everyone feels? YES!!!!! A resounding yes. He is constantly doing small things to shepherd and make our paths easier. If I were to make a resolution, it would be to operate with even a small percentage of that remarkable spark from his heart. He shows his love and compassion at a level that we don't even know for ourselves--too much lint on the filter. The reading says that this stream of love is what lies as a foundation for everything, so to experience a living being "walking the talk" is GRACE.
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