Monday, January 9, 2012

Raja- the story corrected...

I met "Raja" on 3rd October 2011. He was and is suffering from congenital deformation of front legs (as per the vets who are attending him). As he was unable to sit on either side, usually it was his left side, he used to take rest. Due to continuous impact on one particular place, he developed hematoma and a wound. When I met him in October, already the wound was in bad shape. 
The poor monk, who owned "Raja", was also suffering from Cataract. With the help of some helping people and Forest department, we started proper medical management of "Raja" and his owner. This included food and medicine for "Raja". Raja gained good weight during our care and was on improvement.
Suddenly, one day, he got his left hind leg injured, while rubbing against a stone wall. There also a lump was formed. Now, it was difficult for him to sleep on left side as well. So, he started avoiding sleep and walking. We provided an inclined bed for him but that too was not alluring him to sleep. Result, his front legs swelled and the chilling winter also made "Raja" uncomfortable due to his congenital front leg deformation.

We had been in constant touch with many experts and so we started contacting vets in nearby area for better care. Finally we chose MHOW Vet College that is 400 Km away. One as it has all necessary expertise and two, because it is less cold then Kota.

Raja was resting when the truck came to take him to MHOW. He could not get up, so he was supported by a crane to get up and move into the truck. (the first photo is not a recovery from a pot holl but getting him up and supporting to ride the truck). 

He was transported under Vet care with instructions to let him rest after every 3 hours and so the journey took 14 hours. He is under proper care of a team of 6 docs and his owner.

If any more clarification is required, please visit!/pages/Raja-the-Elephant-King/181365248609428 

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