Saturday, January 21, 2012

Are We Acting Within Our Capacity?

A street dog taking a nap on a stream of debris.  (There is a contest to photograph street dogs--the winner gets $5,000 towards a favorite animal charity.  Trying to take a winning photo for HIS.)

While diving deep in the spiritual world, I keep wondering if I am building bad "life debt" when I am confronting men about inappropriate behavior or stepping in when an animal is being mistreated.  Do I just say," Oh, it is destiny and let the Earth Play continue," or do I take action?  I have limited my questions to Gurudev around the practical world, but he created an opening the night before, so I feel I can ask the Oracle.

Understanding how to get to inner peace, what it is, and how it ties into the bigger picture has been the first big step.  With this new awareness, I see two paths for being in the world:  live in it or retreat to a minimal existence (check mark from the Oracle.)  My inclination has always been to retreat, but those cards didn't seem to land face up on the table, so I have plunged into the world and experienced all of it's glory/pain.  I wouldn't have fully appreciated the serene world of nature and animals if I hadn't been living in Earth's fire.  Not that the animal/nature part of the world doesn't have a lot of pain too.

The nagging question of how to live in the world as a conscious being is still pulling on my thought process.  Some new input that Gurudev qualified as "his opinion/experience."  He didn't put the "fact" qualification with the ideas, but I am definitely willing to look at them.  All of this is built on the foundation that a person is taking action from a conscious place--oneness and love.  Yes, most of the Earth's population does not act from this place, but in my unrelenting search for truth, I don't mind the bar being set at the top of the human pegs.

An action can then take on countless variations.  The big qualifier is that the action is within the capability of the individual.  If a person is strong than a firmer action can be taken,  if a person is wealthy than a financial action can be taken, if a person is meek than a more passive action can be taken and so on.  It is not to say that at any given time an individual's course of action cannot shift or take on other styles of personal action, but the intention is the base, (the discernment from the head and heart.)  The crude part is that the ego is often part of the living committee.  The good news is that the separation from not acting out of truth/love creates pain which then over time inspires one to take the path of consciousness.  Starting to see how Earth's insanity plan is useful.

It all still circles back to the individual's path.  Whether it is Oprah Winfrey or Angelina Jolie donating millions as their action (not to mentions their time too), the Red Cross and all of the individuals/donations creating that organization, Doctor's Without Borders offering their services,  veterinarians providing animal assistance, volunteering at a local charity, helping someone to safely cross the street, calling 911 if there is an accident, or offering a kind word spoken or written--all actions are relative to one's capacity.  Now I understand how the consciousness can be powerful while starting at your own two feet.

Both the path of truth and untruth have obstacles/challenges.  Gurudev shared a beautiful story about the peg above the human's peg.  A story of Krishna taking all of the cruelty from three days of brutal fighting between the Hindu's and the Muslim's.  He was so full of love and kindness that he bore the brunt of all wounds and atrocities.  Even though most of us are not in the realm of The Supreme Beings, it is something to consider and hold in our hearts.  Are we acting within our capacity?

1 comment:

Victoria said...

I guess this man said it best:

The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated.

Mahatma Gandhi

And HE would have more right to make a case for stepping in on behalf of the victimized more than anyone.

: )