Tuesday, January 24, 2012


One of my teachers
Always powerful in the learning department to step out of my routine.  I had 24 hours to just sit and listen to my surroundings.  Sitting with the sense of Gurudev/Pahari Baba and how that truth was influenced by sound vibration.  Nature always sounds so pure with nothing distracting or grating.  It is a pure overlay on the inner truth. I have found the same with animals, so I keep wondering how much one can trust that sense from the vibration.

As I have less fear of humans and more love, it feels like my listening skills are changing.  Instead of shutting down when something feels disconnected, I can stay open/present and explore the turbulence it is creating inside.  I asked Gurudev if it was reasonable to say the ego is connected to the discord in the vibration and he said yes.  The mind creates a separation from the truth, so I am hearing that in the vibration. He felt that was a trustworthy way to sense the inner man.

The little calf is also a teacher for me.  (I offered the banana peel, since the other cows love them but this little guy hasn't learned about them yet.)  He has been tied by his neck with a very short rope for weeks now--alone and without any other company.  He has a very distinct voice and I hear him calling sometimes while I am meditating in the ashram.  In the US, we have an atrocious practice of factory farming that is frightening in its disregard for animals.  I look into the eyes of this calf and wonder what it is like to be such a vital life force tethered by the neck. No opportunity to run, buck, and play with others.  On the other hand, he does get to watch all of the cars, humans, dogs, and other animals pass by all day.  Not to mention enjoying the sun.

Another example of man's insanity/inhumanity.

Intermix: Go Fur-Free
Sign the Petition
Dear Susan,
Intermix is a chain of clothing stores that caters to trend-setting fashionistas across the US and Canada. But some stylish shoppers say that Intermix is trying to make a trend out of the torture and skinning of raccoons, foxes, rabbits and even coyotes -- by selling clothes and accessories made with their fur.
Amy Rebecca and Jessica Schuler, two friends living in Los Angeles who love animals (Jessica just recently rescued a puppy from a shelter!), were just sickened to see fur coats, vests and accessories for sale at Intermix. But they love the rest of Intermix's line and actually want to be able to shop there --so they started a petition on Change.org asking Intermix to go fur-free. Will you sign Amy and Jessica's petition asking retailer Intermix to commit to not selling fur?
It's tragic: The fur industry is inseparable from animal cruelty -- animals on fur farms spend their lives in densely crowded wire cages. Then, many are gruesomely killed (by being gassed, having their necks broken and even anal electrocution). Still others are trapped in the wild, where they suffer for hours and even days.
Amy and Jessica just want to see Intermix do the right thing. They're not full-time activists -- just two friends who want to make a difference.
And they're not alone! People in Washington DC, New York, Chicago and LA have joined their efforts and held fur-free protests in front of Intermix stores, and more than 5,000 people have signed on to their petition already.
Amy and Jessica know that Intermix will drop fur. Intermix isn't a huge chain and it's not dependent on its fur items for revenue. But it does set trends -- so a move to fur-free by Intermix will make ripples in the fashion industry. And there are strong signs the company is ready to do this -- it just needs to hear from a lot more people, first. 
Thanks for being a change-maker,
- Stephanie and the Change.org team

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