More grace unfolding |
Woke up with such clarity about the ego and the human condition. Living and using myself as the species under the microscope have helped me to answer part 1 and now part 2. My interest has never been to change someone else, but my poking and prodding has been to understand what lives in the various "skin sacks" (thank you for that term Bhavani!) that inhabit the planet. The ego is a master card player. Following the truth path isn't something the ego would want to do, since it would be dealing itself out of the game at some point. There are so many options that appear to be less painful until you see the limits and end up in the same unresolved spot. Even with the grace of the Divine and support of a team of very evolved humans this hasn't been a "Yoga/spa retreat."
Replaying a condition from my world at home helped me to see the difference of India's costume/card playing technique and humans in general. Understanding the human condition has been my unexpected path. The animals/plants have been my truth guides--silently, patiently holding loving, unconditional space for us unconscious beings to find our way--often destroying so much on the way.
No idea what is next. Spiritual advancement is by Divine grace and more of destiny.
A book about Shree Shree Ma Ananadamayee has been fascinating to read. She was born a Saint, but to read how destiny unfolded in such a pure way with everything coming through her without outer guidance. A magical world that the West has little experience with.
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