Monday, November 7, 2011

Night Time Parades

It is never boring in India, another parade passing by my rooftop view.

More Things to Teach Your Horse
I didn't realize it was a holiday today, so I spent an hour sitting outside the gym waiting for it to open.  I think I need to do that more often.  Move the challenge from moving to sitting while in the thick of things.  It was an insightful meditation.  The young men who play billiards below the gym where very kind to inform me of the holiday when they noticed me sitting there for awhile.  An hour passed very quickly from the practice at the ashram. Plus, the hour didn't have railings, since I don't have a watch and there are no current life restrictions--an unusual freedom.  I could stay present with inner stillness, but the flood of bliss was different than the three hours spent sitting at the ashram.  Something new to explore.

There has been an angel quietly rounding up supplies to help me with the approaching cold weather:  water heater (jumping up and down--no cold showers--warm bucket baths!!!), blanket, salad recipe/utensils ( a salad to live by!!!)  Next week my sleeping bag, nutrition supplements, and misc. supplies arrive with a friend.  I am set!!!  The threat of violence promised to be taken off the list, so I will stay put for now.  Visa situation understood, so I can stay in violation for now and change my visa to a different type the next time I am at home--no problem to do it once.  All good news and grace.

Got a kick out of this article in the Huffington Post:

Let's hear it for spiritual penetration in religion!

River Edge, N.J.--Each Sunday for decades, Roman Catholic priests have offered the blessing--"Lord be with you." And each Sunday, parishioners would respond, "And also with you."

Until this month.  Come Nov. 27, the response will be, "And with your spirit."  And so will begin a small revolution in a tradition-rich faith.

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