Friday, August 12, 2011

Voodoo heart

I might be recognizing a little bit of a pattern now to this heart expansion process.  It physically feels like my heart cavity is being forced larger from the inside, this appears to increase my sensitivity level, and then something happens that tests the truth of my heart capacity/surrender/attachments .  Sort of like my heart is a voodoo doll with pins going into new and ever changing places.  And I just keep making trips to the surrender pile--and with love and a smile on my face.  Not sure where the zero point is, but I just keep with it, (and it isn't a fancy new wheelbarrow either.)

 A new twist on the unkinking process happened last night.  I feel stuff and wonder how it is going to get sorted out.  If you were sewing a tube from the inside-out and then you go to turn it right-side-out, somehow you have to get the inside seam pushing outward so the profile looks right from the outside.  There were these fascinating energetic releases that felt like they were unkinking, so the profile could straighten--energetic support of the posture.  Gurudev really stresses the importance of the spine straightness, so it felt like an internal alignment of this external alignment. (And no one can forget that these are only words and words affected by Sue's lint screen...)

I can appreciate more and more the value of experiencing all of this in India.  It appears to be more normal here.  My"sleepiness"/bliss phase has shifted to a much deeper place.  I can take in my surroundings more clearly, but sounds are heightened and I feel more detached from my human container  My breathing is going to a new place too.  It appears to be going down into my lower center and recycling up through my shoulders, neck, and head.  Even though I breath through my nose and mouth, I haven't felt like I breath through my entire neck/head structure--some sort of energetic shift in my upper body?  Sort of trippy listening to the music last night and having moments that my body morphed into the sound waves creating a new level of expansion.  Sorry, struggling with the words for these alien experiences and I am still not taking drugs.

A lovely little frog joined me at The Tree this morning.

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