Saturday, August 4, 2012


Flower in Santa Cruz, California

From the ultimate homework assignment, I had a vision of my feet and hands bound, a giant rock tied to my waist and I am plunging deeper into the ocean.  Not having a sense of desperation, but knowing that I have to go deeper and this was an easy visual for a two-legged.  About that time a literal visiting spiritual being showed up with a giant copy of the Gita.  The cover art was Krishna on a floating vessel, helping His disciples up, while others (holding a bag of money, etc.) were shown floundering in the water.  I had just started rereading the Gita version by Sri Aurobindo.

Training wheels for sensing one's self at a deeper level is definitely available at the ashram.  It feels like the giant nudge to get back on track with the path.  For me, I have been working diligently on observing, adjusting, and letting go, but having the abrasiveness of India helps to highlight a relative state of inner peace because the environment is more peaceful in America.  The gap between the sense of a deeper place by sitting in the presence of a Being who lives in that space vs. the personal truth of it relative to the heightened sense of distraction in the physical environment is palpable.  I have true gratitude for India and this daily teaching. "Bring It On."  Back to work--go deeper.

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