Sunday, December 18, 2011

The True Beginning

Two darling faces that popped up while walking.
Diving into the reading has been fantastic.  Almost finished with the Gita and started another book about a guru's process to self realization. In Gurudev's absence, I have been reflective of the past year spanning from the animal search in South Africa to ending up in India for a spiritual search.  I am at the bottom of my to do list.  I have been able to experience poverty, charity work, disabled education, and animal welfare programs while living in a very different culture.  The only door to go through now is whatever my spiritual providence is and I need a Guru for that.  Looks like I am in great shape.

On a much deeper, clearer level, I am here for one reason--to experience the Divine through Gurudev's teachings.  My sceptic/scientist is turning into a devotee.  I understand why the heart path has to transcend the intellect at some point. The reading is support, but the real process will continue with meditation and inner teachings from Gurudev.  Very, very blessed to be at the bottom of my list and be in the "right" place. Willingness, trust, and love well up as I open to the unknown of the path and the future.

It is the true beginning.

Great place to take a nap.  My manhole cover flew off my heart again when I looked in her eyes and touched her nose.

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