Thursday, December 15, 2011

Bring It On!!!

Bring it on!!!  After the begging children and hounding taxi driver's, I was asking if that is the best the universe can do.  What, no damaged animals, buses running me over, or what ever else flavors the day?  Something has shifted.  I feel like dancing in the street.  While walking to the gym this morning, I realized that the struggles are only against my own thought process.  I can feel that singular thread that now exists inside.  There isn't anything else.  I have been here before, but more as a punctuation than a sentence or a paragraph.  If I am only fighting against myself, than I am excited to get rolling on burning off the karmic debt to freedom.  I was challenging India to "Bring it" as I walked home.  Can I stay in this place of equanimity?  Time will tell, but in the mean time--I see the peephole to freedom. 

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