Tuesday, April 5, 2011


I have to admit that I gave up on meditation about a year ago. I couldn't wrap my mind around it (hee-hee, is that an oxymoron?), so I decided to just try and live with contemplation, stillness, and in a living/walking meditation state as a substitute. Using stillness with animals (form) is now helping me with stillness with spirituality (often formless.) Living in a walking meditation state is helping with open eye meditation and taking it into the practical application of life.

Slow learner, but I now get that meditation will be the reset button for linking up to the deeper spiritual aspect of life. (It doesn't have to mean that for everyone, since all of it is subjective and I am only speaking from my narrow point of view.) I was wondering how I could recreate the deep spiritual atmosphere from the ashram when I realized that meditation was how I got there. The beautiful part of meditation is that you can take it with you and use it anywhere and anytime. My reduction in mind chatter has helped me to find the value. If I can do it--there is hope for anyone and everyone who is struggling with the mind chatter. Weird, but I even had a moment that I had to wake my brain up to answer a question. It is usually on overdrive, so this was a new experience too!

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