Saturday, April 30, 2011

Details of life

A few updates: the puppy got a cast a few weeks back (and now she is running on it), the cow with the broken leg was picked up by a humane treatment for animals group, and the camel's nose is getting better.

The bathroom at the new place is coming along. He actually tiled it! We are working out the details around the shower spraying directly on the power switches which might lead to electrocution, (that would be some serious shakti downloading!)

I went to a power yoga class for women with the wife of the hotel owner. It was really fun to meet and hang out with a group of women in another culture. The instructor was helpful and patient (thank goodness for the one lesson from Karn.) They all seemed to be surprised that I could hang in there with no fan and on a very hot day. Sometimes I take for granted the years of physical training, but I appreciate it more and more as it allows me the chance to explore cities and countrysides by foot, jump into varied physical activities, and a freedom of its own. There is a lot of motivation to keep up with the fitness and nutrition as long as I am able.

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