Saturday, April 30, 2011

Do energy fields have different textures and qualities?

Chewing on the new found inner wattage. Somehow it feels like what I have been looking for on the outside is now on my inside. (Of course, it has probably always been there, but I had to move from a mud hut to a lint screen to notice.) I had a chance to meditate for an hour while Gurudev was out supervising the new temple building at the Wishing Tree (I might have that name wrong?) and explore how to find that place again. I started with visualizing Gurudev and Pahari Baba inside of my heart and little by little, the images turned into an energy hole that continued to enlarge. Sort of like starting with the one bedroom apartment and moving onto a multilevel apartment building. Of course when Gurudev came into the area, it automatically increased to multiple, multilevel apartment buildings. I am curious where this leads too, but I appreciate finding it again.
I took a last trip up to Amber Fort to sit in the Kali Temple. While I was meditating, I was able to find that place inside again. It started out a bit wobbly like a bad internet connection. Curious thing happened (not that all of this is not curious...), it started out in the Gurudev/Pahari Baba energy feel and once it got going, it was like a new feel of energy started to flood in and fill the space. Maybe it was the Kali Temple energy field? It had a softer, more feminine feel to it. Unfortunately, I am leaving tomorrow, so no more opportunities to go energy field sampling at the different temples.

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