Saturday, April 30, 2011

Bonus! Yoga lesson from Gurudev

The sitting situation is getting better, but I am thinking this is a several year project. I have increased my cross-legged sitting time from 15 minutes to 45, my overall sitting time to 3 hours if I change position every 30 minutes or so, and my overall sitting time in two session to 6 hours. I have been trying to focus on not losing my core connection even if I need to change my leg position, because that seems to keep me centered over my seat bones the best. For awhile, it was a trade off between my back getting tired and needing to lean on something, to not sitting over my pelvis in a way that was creating sore seat bones (at least that is what I call them from riding.) There is a point after three hours, that my knees just say no, so I take a break and go for a walk. When I come back in the afternoon, my knees are usually saying no cross-legged stuff, but my core is strong enough to keep with the back posture. It is starting to get more comfortable to not lean on something unless I want to abandon the body all together and just melt into the energy part. Remarkable fitness and flexibility training. If everyone just worked on their posture all day, it would be an amazing fitness challenge.

While I was sitting, I noticed Gurudev was sitting with his legs folded in a way that I hadn't noticed before, so I thought I would try it. One side was sort of working, but the other side wasn't so well. I guess he noticed, so he gave me some help on my yoga practice. Bonus!!! He did say it was much easier if you started this stuff from youth, but the most important was the straight spine. I asked him to check my straightness to see if I was in the ball park and he said that was fine and that he had noticed that I tend to keep that part together, (thank you for years of riding, ballroom dancing, and fitness training.) All of this is so amazing, now I have my homework assignments: inner energy field and spine straightness.

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