Thursday, April 28, 2011

Drive home

I was offered a ride home from the ashram last night, (people are very kind to drop me off at night, even though I enjoy the quiet and coolness of the night), so as I was piling into the car in an altered state of reality, I was marveling at the driver's ability to navigate a car. I don't think that I would be safe to drive in that state, sort of like taking an overdose of antihistamines is the closest I could compare it to. They started to ask me what I was experiencing, so I was trying to find words--it made it sound so crazy (fortunately, they were both much farther down the spiritual path, so it probably didn't crazy to them.) Then they asked if I felt anything from the 9 days of the Durga Celebration. I explained that after 5 days of attending, I took one morning to intentionally miss the ceremony, so I could compare if I was feeling anything different. Yes, significant different loading dose of shakti for the day. Then they wanted to know if I had experienced any extreme bliss states. Hard to say if leaving your body or feeling like you are going to die from a shakti overdose counts? Interesting questions to field when it is all so new.

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