Sunday, October 23, 2011

Astral Presence

The list is getting easier and easier.  No answers, so I can stop looking for them.  It appears there is no way into the spiritual enlightenment club unless it is your time, so that item can come off the list too, (today's homework download.)  What is left?  Ego management, hollowness, no attachments. staying out of the future (most of the time), and being.  Back to living, but with a new set of awareness tools.

Hanging out with the Divine Genealogy while Gurudev is away.  Got a kick out of his sign.  Do you think people would talk loudly and act differently if the librarian stepped out of the library?  Human nature it appears.

Astral Gurudev
With Gurudev away it is more check in time, since I don't plan on living in India forever and I don't think he is moving to the US. It is a chance to see what is going on without his immense shakti presence even though the ashram is loaded. Having the meditation experience of sitting with him and other Masters, getting a glimmer of true nature, and sensing the finer energy field of the Divine feels like all of the work is permeating and reorganizing my structure.  They feel like they are more a part of me than an exterior experience.  

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