Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Layers of blogs

Roofing a thatched building in South Africa
Constructing a new building in India

How quickly the landscape can change--externally or internally.  Get on a plane and the world is different within hours.  Adjust your attachments and beliefs, the world is different within seconds. Remembering the 9/11 tragedy was a stark example of this on many levels.

Reading "Autobiography of a Yogi" is introducing me to concepts beyond and within.  Mataji had exposed me to many of the beyond idea years ago (and all the teaches are pointing to the within-immediately), but it was too sci-fi for me.  Now, there is comfort in those ideas.  A cosmic reason for enduring this insanity.  

As I blog for the Selfseeds site and I blog for this site, it almost feels like yet another blog is emerging, but it will be the thought free blog.  Only sensory imagery from within.

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