Thursday, January 2, 2014

Living Provides The Tests

Year One: I tried to feed the mother dog, the puppies, and arrange for her to be spayed. (I offered to pay too.)

Year Two: I watched a roommate feed the mother dog, the puppies, and was moral support.

Year Three: I watched the mother dog, the puppies, planned to observe only, but leave my heart open. While jogging down the road past the ashram,  I hear a whimpering puppy.  One of the puppies had fallen down the bank from the ashram onto the busy road. She was alone, crying under a bush, and tentative but happy to see someone who might help.  The innocence and relief when I picked her up to carry her back to the ashram was precious.  Do I walk by knowing that the future of the puppy won't make sense either? Maybe it is better if she just gets crushed now?  Is that her destiny?  Choices...  The mother and the other dogs were so happy to see her again.  Animals are so beautiful and unconditional.  It is so easy to drop into their zone and perspective.

Who notices the mother sheep stuck in the mud of the river while we are on the Queensland Sheep Ranch tour?  We were able to track down the ranch hand who went to get her out.  Luckily, her head was still above water.  Her two lambs were waiting for her on the bank.

Haven't seen the cow with the broken leg yet?  Hope she is okay.

Haven't seen any maggot infested street dogs. Probably a nice part of the cooler months.

The list of the animals, the trash, the beggars, the ... are all still here.  I could write a manual on urinating in public.  While traveling in Australia and New Zealand for 6 weeks, I didn't see one person relieving himself (or herself) on the side of the road.. Is this part of the detachment from privacy or the need to detach from privacy?  Nice visuals for awakening the mind, the judgements, the disturbances, and more.  Falling down, standing up, and falling down, and...  Focusing on beauty, but not closing my eyes to the rest.  It appears at your feet anyway.

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