Friday, December 20, 2013

Mind Map

Interesting to spend two weeks reflecting, settling, meditating, contemplating, and more. The mind map finally brought some pieces to rest (at least for now) that have been under examination for four years. Not too much on the list now, until new points get added?  I have been asked some lovely thought provoking questions by some of the natives.  An awareness of the spiritual realm is definitely pervasive. Still wonder about the future of the young girl left defecating on the road as the tourist vehicles and traffic pass by. Her eyes are like orbs of innocent light. Very different to have no one trying to sell me anything.  Only welcoming nods, waves, and greetings when passing the human fixtures who ride their elephants to work, sell items from stands, or guard a local hotel. I must have passed over some crossroad from tourist to regular.  Even one of the boys who use to beg corrected a new boy beggar that he was not to ask me for money.  Had to give him the thumbs up for that!!

Everyday while sitting at the ashram, it feels like some sort of morphologic rearranging of my inner head. Fun unexpected experience.

Inward is the only direction now and I have no mind map for that. How fortunate that Gurudev returns today.  Curious.  The heart has a desire to expand.

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