Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Turning Point

Starting point
My second day in India, where I sat alone at the ashram before the group arrived. When I was invited to come in and sit in front of the Pahari Baba picture. Where I shed tears from a depth that I hadn't known before for someone who I didn't know I knew. Turning points in one's life that are part of the hidden mystery. The depth of vibration and tears are always present now as a guiding resonance to have awareness in my spiritual heart as I continue to walk on the planet. It feels as if the work of the discovery has now moved to the work of keeping it from becoming obscured.

Homework for living in inner peace:
1. Don’t let the ego hi-jack the mind into unconsciousness.
2. Live without separation in the awareness of the inner vibration of Source (Absolute Love and Truth).

(Of course, easier said then done.)

How appropriate to celebrate this transition through finalizing the book "My Horse, My Heart, My Soul". As I sit with the depth and width of all the seven interviewee's journeys, it is astounding and a privilege to have been part of sharing their knowledge and wisdom. I double checked with Gurudev that I am not in some unknown violation for acknowledging him and sharing part of my spiritual journey, which inspired the book--the response was laugher and a return to his newspaper. Soon to be two books later, how to ever thank Takao for his steadfast editing and beautiful creativity that brings it into the light as a polished gem.

Outer walks. If I carry a stick, rocks, or walk with a man, I never get touched or approached inappropriately. After four years, I finally asked Gurudev if there something else I should be doing, but he was laughing about the length of stick I was experimenting with and said not to worry about it. I am meeting some lovely people too as I have shared before. As I sit with the world violence, the crazy presidential race in the U.S., the gun violence at home, and my small contact to violation while walking, I have to also except this as part of the journey and remove my expectations. Respect that prevention and action are both part of the whole and keep returning to the point of inner peace that is growing as a place of stability.

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