Monday, June 3, 2013

What The Horses Continue To Teach Me

While being with horses, there is a powerful stillness.

While sitting with a horse that is being examined for euthanasia, there is a depth of awareness that is often overlooked.

While standing in the presence of a shy horse, there is an invitation to go beneath any disturbance or distraction.

While reflecting on what the horses continue to teach me, there is gratitude for their mystery, energy, and sensitivity.

The depth of meditation showed up while I was greeting a human wary horse.  The owner was putting me to task to "greet" her horse.  My response was to do nothing, but to go to the new depths I had been made aware of in meditation. The horse offered to approach and even stepped up on a ledge to touch me. Interesting that when the owner looked at the horse in surprise, 'Molly' spooked and moved back.  It was a profound moment for all three of us.  I had recently experienced that depth while talking about the Divine and now to experience it while talking about stillness with the horses.  The uncontrollable tears were present. Now, I more fully understand the preparation the horses provided me for knowing myself as an individuated spark of Source.

Recently, I conceded to walk back into the horse world if that was what appeared as a next step.  It is another spiral on the staircase and useful to observe my new awareness in the old pattern.

In the meantime, I continue to study more material for being a personal fitness instructor, prepare Selfseeds for a virtual launch, transcribe notes from a mentor's shared wisdom, and help a few friends with their horses. October/November, I will be going to Australia and New Zealand.  December, I plan to return to India for another stretch of time.

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