Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Out for a little drive....

Private game drive in the afternoon, very cool. Kate, stable manager, has her certification for taking people out on game drives, so she took Dehlia (the other horse volunteer from England) and I out "for a drive." In just a couple of hours, we saw wildebeest, giraffes, impalas, zebras (see photos), hippos (mother and baby--black specks in the lake photo), elephants (we surprised a youngish one and it ended up running behind us for a stretch...), owl, eagle, tortoise (photo), and another beautiful sunset.

The tortoise photos were taken of the same tortoise within a couple of feet from one another. It gives you an idea of the remarkable camouflage capabilities. The same with the zebra, (and the giraffe.) Seeing these animals in zoos doesn't do them justice. They have the incredible coloring for a real reason!

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