Sunday, July 20, 2014

No Horse Shield

Fairfax MO, flower garden
As I step in and out of the very familiar horse world, I see the next part of my journey/life's lesson plan is to walk in the two-legged world from the perspective of my growing self cave. There is a certainty that there will be opportunities to fall down and stand up again, but now to do it with the self cave as the navigational equipment. Excited to really put the past three years to the test in a different culture.  What have I learned and this is what Gurudev was encouraging me to go and find out.

Seeing friends and family from around the globe has become a very precious and inspiring gift as I move towards my 50th birthday.  I never could have believed that I would have such love and affection for humanity, plus to receive it from others.  My curious nature will now lead me into this new roll of working with a human team instead of a mixed animal team. Training horses teaches one how important it is to find the common ground for facilitating change--small, steady incremental steps.  Two-leggeds appear to want to have talking points that often don't result in a common ground. New challenges and a very new seed bed for learning.  My self cave is my common ground for community with the Divine and then take to take acton from that perspective. 

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