Tuesday, November 5, 2019

The path of True Path?

Found a new path. Nice timing!
Where is the path taking me now after a massive check mark by the animal conundrum that led me to India in the Spring of 2011? It was confirmed that I should stay on the horse/animal path as long as I am physically able. It is clear that I am an ever evolving human with plenty of homework. Since the animals have brought me the greatest point of pain for diving into the spiritual path, I was relieved to be through the apparent severest part of that chapter of teachings, but what was going to be the next massive stick to forever keep me humble and on the path with complete sincerity and integrity to the work.

For some steeped in spirituality, the answer was probably apparent. For some one like me who grabbed a hold of the spiritual path to find answers and survive life on the planet, it wasn't immediate.

Less then 24 hours of uncertainty, a VERY CLEAR answer unfolded. Humility becomes a very important life raft for self examination and process orientation through daily life. The Guru (living or dead) can provide a piercing quality that probably is only truly understood from personal experience. Beings who know what this is first hand, most likely have his or her personal version, but it is unique. Today, I got a reminder of how deep that piercing can be. I live a very amazing life globally with outstanding natural work places, really cool animals, friends wherever I land, good health, abundance, and more.

BUT, a glance, a brief stare, an exchange or whatever can knock you to your spiritual knees. In my case, I experience it as having an ice pick jammed into my heart. I know the drill now and just wait patiently while something shifts. Often lost in a state of frozen intoxication. I don't seem to need to be completely submerged by blacking out now. Maybe because I accept it and don't have fear? Way beyond my pay grade to truly understand.

The ashram is a great place to have this experience, since people appear to recognize when you are frozen that it isn't strange and to work around you. Also, wonderful to be with the Divine Genealogy and a living Guru, so there are all hands on deck. Part of this usually involves, uncontrollable tears of gratitude from the deepest trap door I appear to have internally. Beyond the door, emotions don't really exist. This state is yet another layer that words are limiting.

It felt like the first day of the path of spirituality.  The path of the True Path? The path of living for the sake of spirituality vs. a life line of spirituality leading me along a path. The conveyor belt with my shoe lace is still running, but in a new way. Path as seeker appears to be shifting to path as server. I never will have all the answers about the spiritual path, but enough appears to have been exposed that my relationship to the path is changing. Now, it is vast, expansive, and without edges. That section of the path has been living in a box of awareness like a remarkable companion. Bread crumb trail is gone. All is The Path.

Of course, I have no idea what the translation is going to be and recognize that isn't my job either.  Words are limiting, but they appear to be part of my journey through this electronic diary. There wasn't a memo to stop. So let's see what unfolds? GRACE! Pranam! The weight of the stick is equally vast, expansive, and without edges.

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