Saturday, August 19, 2017

30 Years to Celebrate and Reflect On

I am not this religion, but I have a deep respect for the statue in the field. 

Thirty years ago I began a professional riding career, living/working internationally, and observing myself in the process. It started in Hungary while meeting Andrea and now I reflect upon this while in Hungary staying at Andrea’s farm. A lot is happening in the world with radicalization, racism, and terrorism. A lot is happening in the world with love, truth, and compassion. I don’t find the ostrich approach with my head in the sand is in alignment with the responsibility and evolution of my spiritual heart. Race, religion, and politics are the outer wear we dress in along with gender, culture, skin color, and more. Walking in the outer and inner world is challenging, since they are often not in alignment. At this point, I need to keep trying to walk the talk as I deepen in the understanding of my true nature. Thoughts matter, words matter, actions matter, and the relentless practice of self examination and not just self justification. 


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