Friday, August 29, 2008

Consciousness in Motion

I realize that one of life's greatest gifts is living in a physical form. Having the ability to taste, see, hear, feel, smell, and think. When you take on activities that involve another living being (human or animal) you become aware of connection and how these senses are affected in another being. One could ask--how do you create a connection, what is the result of the connection, are both parties satisfied and comfortable with the result, how to change, what to change, etc. Contact tends to create aliveness and then dullness. How to keep the aliveness throughout the period of contact--how to stay awake/conscious in the feel?

Looking at a small scenario: you are running, you get thirsty, you stop to drink water, there is an anticipation of the taste, feel, and temperature of the water, you take a swallow, you are immediately aware of its taste and feel in the mouth, how it spreads throughout the body as it goes down, you notice the feeling or satisfaction/calmness as the body receives the water and becomes quenched. Why does the first drink feel more satisfying? How to keep that aliveness throughout the action?

Examining all of this in the responsibility of holding the reins, taking dance hold, sitting in the saddle, how the leg hangs, making contact to the partner, the weight and balance through my feet, how the partner receives my presence and continues to receive my presence. It is my responsibility to keep examining my part of the contact, the recipients response, and continue to create adjustments as needed so the appropriate areas have stillness or aliveness. It all becomes like a flame--the fire is on but it is to what degree.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad you found craniosacral work for both you and your horses. It is amazing don't you think? I was so blessed to come across it! My latest "client" was a giraffe at the Oakland Zoo. Wow. Imagine.
Patty C.