Friday, September 29, 2017


Irrigation and 26 degrees. As I drive down the road...
Launching a potential consciousness shift in the equestrian world. Five of us got together who are troubled about the state of consciousness regarding the working horse world. Amazing process. Thank you India and the time spent in deep self-examination. All the tools in the toolbox are needed in this endeavor, so we take action with a minimum of ego. Collaboration vs. competition.


Definition:  EquiSeers expand mindfulness of ethical and compassionate horsemanship for the well-being of horses and humans in all equestrian disciplines.

Mission:  Expanding and enhancing equestrianism.

Vision:  Empowering people through mindfulness and awareness to expand ethical and compassionate horsemanship with experiential learning and techniques while unifying mind, body, and spirit.

Art glacier in Antarctica. Not much different? (photo credit CNN)

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