Saturday, September 15, 2012

A Turn Lane

A quiet moment together--no chains, no sticks, just being.

As the pull to go deeper and to know more intimately the refined layer that I sense with the Divine Committee (with or without bodies), I was wondering if I was losing my capacity for compassion, love, thoughtfulness, and other qualities that appear to be trademarks of evolving, virtuous beings.  Was I falling off the path and retreating to more of my awkward 2-legged nature from the past?  Some events around tragedy and loss sparked a touch in with those aspects of my developing capacity.  Nope, it is all still in tact and waiting as an ever growing link to the Divine Pool.  I will take the sometimes distancing aspect of my existence from humanity as a turn lane to go deeper into the Divine, but I need to check since my history has been to take solace in nature and with the 4-leggeds.

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