Friday, March 20, 2015

The Way

Decontraction, Stillness (digestion of decontraction), Mobilization: the way for training horses. Now I see this is the way for humans, self, and moving through life.

4 year old cremello Lusitano--grandson of Sultao

1984, Paris exhibition, Bi and Sultao, historic moment for the Center

Guided to someone who might be this generations Nuno Oliveira. He walks the talk. It is the first person I have met who understands and executes the truth of the system. The horses and my inner voice led me to the same point. Inspiring to have a colleague on the path. Watching him ride was like going to church for horse souls. Señor Valenca listened to what I have been searching for on the horse training path and introduced me to him. Crown jewel in the week of gems. 

Interview notes completed and headed to Hungary.

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