On the way to a new beginning--groom arrival. |
Is Earth life the veil for eternity? "Let Go!" appears again. What is there to hold onto if it never ends?
When one enters the university as a student, a point of focus is chosen and the path opens up. I would say this has been the same for me the past 3 years. I knew that I didn't have useful concepts for how to live life from the heart, thoughtfully, and not in pain. As a scientist, it has been a fascinating point of focus, but I do reflect that when I was a student at the university, I was asking questions about the world beyond science and art. I just didn't know there was a school to learn more that involved two feet. Every day I marvel at the lesson plan. The timing for examining eternity is so beautiful for continuing to let go. Is that what the steps for liberation are, but not in a careless, thoughtless way?
When the man in line behind me at the grocery check out asked me where I lived with his second sentence, I turned and asked if he had a daughter, would he find that an appropriate question to ask her by a strange man? It did paralyze him for a moment and he apologized. The outer walks are not so different, but my responses may be. The paths I run are filled with a lot of hand waving, good mornings, and mostly respectful comments. The inner path continues to deepen.
Groom waiting for bride |
Bride arriving |
Couple presentation to be on stage |
Lots of glitz at the ceremony--traditional Indian wedding setting |
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