Saturday, December 7, 2013

Pink Room Scrubbed And Ready For Habitation


Everything was in order with the pink room.  It just needed dusting, scrubbing, and put back into function mode.  The owner's of the room have opened a restaurant below and appear to be doing well.

Two lovely nature additions in Pahari Baba's room: very striking for me after the very recent amazing nature experiences in Australia and New Zealand.

Enjoying the quiet reintroduction to the ashram environment. Lovely to sit in it's stillness while almost physically uninhabited and soak in the overflow of the Divine Genealogy.  Getting to know it in a new way.  Usually, I feel a twinge of lack whenever Gurudev is away, but this time, I feel only abundance with the addition of the ashram's presence and a nice awareness for the different aspects of what it provides: the structure's history, the remarkable collection of spiritual art, the plants/animals that are part of the activity scene, and the unspoken resonance coursing through every fiber/nuance of the stillness.


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