Saturday, February 11, 2012

The Thread

Understanding the connection between the student, the Guru, and the Divine has been a little bit confusing for me, but now it has been clarified.  The details around why/when a student "finds" their Guru, the Divine downloading through the Guru, and how/why the student can receive blessings from the Guru.  Sanskaras are our human homework plan.  While we live on the human side of the wall, we carry them with us, but with work, we can reduce their impact--the role of the student.  If we have done enough of our homework plan (we never really know, since we cannot see the bigger picture) than the Guru can come into the picture.  This appears in the timing-destiny category.

While in India, many people comment on how fortunate I am to find "my" Guru, (when they actually call you in when the timing is right.)  I don't think I will be hearing that comment much when I return to California, but I KNOW HOW BLESSED I AM TO HAVE THIS GURU!!!!!  Less than a year ago, I didn't even believe in The Divine and now when I go to sit in the ashram, I could just sit and cry for hours in the field of Absolute Love.  I marvel at the beauty of this Being.  Nothing I have experienced on the planet even comes close to touching this state.  When I am in it, there is nothing else and there is no me.

The other remarkable part is that he talks.  To hear the vibration of his voice and experience the kindness of his teachings is yet another almost unfathomable aspect.  One day, he was showing someone how to work with a mantra for healing purposes.  My eyes got big, because I didn't know it was possible for a sound to be so ethereal, sweet, and penetrating in a loving vibration.

I also understand how someone could meet him and take him for just a kind, peaceful, gentlemanly soul in an orange robe now that I better understand timing-destiny. 

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