Walking in the rain with horses |
Round-and-round. As I age, I see more clearly the circle of life and how my homework takes me through the work over-and-over again, but with slight variations. The first week that I stayed in India without the group, Gurudev commented on, "Why do we get so upset when life is just a circle?" Not that I doubted Gurudev, but the simplicity caught me off guard. I have thought of it as a spiral staircase with the small changes as I pass through the rolodex of life options.
Looking at a piece with humanity and self where the unpredictability of both is probably not something to "master" but something I examine in every exchange. The examination can be a distraction from the state of inner peace, but I also see how it builds capacity. The design matrix is remarkable in the unrelenting options to inquire, examine, and how to take action.
As a seeker, does the seeking ever end? Does it become its own obstacle course? Are there points where one can dismount from the merry-go-round? Does each horse represent an aspect of life, so dismounting from one can mean remounting another?