View walking out my door to work. |
Living in silence with a view of a mountain. Grace in the day-to-day beauty and opportunity for reflection. Nature, abundance, and quiet inspire humility, gratitude, Absolute Truth, and Absolute Love. The point is to stay within the integrity of every waking moment with consciousness and examination for right action.
My life is really simple right now riding an average of ten horses a day, walking to work, and driving off the property for supplies. It is a living meditation, so I can practice for moments that are more complex. The horses are such fantastic teachers and witness to my presence. I try to ride them from my inside to their insides. The deer, elk, hawks, and others are getting use to us passing by while conditioning and training. I could have almost touched a red-tail hawk today. Being accepted into the animal community is always a sacred point of connection: sensing the honesty involved by a community that primarily senses vibration. It is inspiring me to read about the animal connection of the American Indians.
Fire by night, evacuation for a short amount of time. |
Fire by day as it continues to smolder and burn. |